Informative Articles and Independent, Unbiased Product Reports On Various Herpes Remedies

The Basics of Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes is a Lifelong Disease

Genital herpes is usually (nearly always) transmitted through sexual activity. Once the virus makes its way into your system, most often through the soft mucous membranes of your genital area, it could lie there dormant for several weeks, months or even years. Although the disease is already in your system lying inactive in the mass of nerves at the bottom of your spine, the defense system will not be able to identify or detect it. This is just what makes genital herpes a lifelong disease. The dreaded fact is that there is no cure for genital herpes.

How the Body Reacts to the Virus

No one really knows how the disease is activated once it enters the human body. Some studies suggest that genital herpes outbreaks can be triggered by unresolved anger or aggression, too much exposure to ultraiviolet rays, excessive levels of tension and a lowered defense or immune system. Once it is triggered the virus travels along neurological pathways in and around the genital area, and the process begins to what is referred to as a complete herpes episode.

At this particular point, the immune system may sense the disease in the bloodstream and start off to fight it almost right away. You may sense your immune system fighting the virus through the reactions of your body. You may start to notice cases of severe headaches, swollen lymph nodes, muscular cramps, and probably a fever. There are instances wherein a small boost to the immune system can stop the outbreak of symptoms. If not, then at least the severity of the attack will be lessened. Potential health supplements to improve your defense system are Vitamin C and E, oil of oregano, and/or active enzymes.

When the Herpes Outbreak Starts

When the disease develops into a full herpes outbreak, you can expect to see sores or lesions on the skin, a small cluster of bumps, rashes, or any combination of the aforementioned. It is very common for a herpes outbreak to differ both in the length and/or severity of the outbreak. However, symptoms of itching and burning sensations lasting several days are quite very common.

Signs that the outbreak is healing includes the lessening of the swelling in the affected areas. Redness and pain should also begin to subside by this time. A crust should start to form over the sores and lesions, or blisters that have developed. This crust protects the new skin that is being formed underneath. It is important to remember not to scratch the lesions or scarring may occur once the healing process is disturbed. It is good to note that any pain associated with the disease usually disappears after herpes outbreaks have healed.

Herpes breakouts could be a distressing and an embarrassing part in your life. It is possible however, that together with comprehension and treatment, symptoms can be reduced or even eliminated. The symptoms associated with genital herpes can end up being best understood through a description of the stages of the herpes simplex virus and knowing what occurs throughout a herpes virus outbreak.